From http://academic.reed.edu/formosa/gallery/Map_Pages/Locality_Maps
Plan of the Port of Danshui (dated 1896)
This was 12 years after the Sino-French War (1884-5). The numbers indicated along the river are probably depths in feet. You can see the sand bars had already formed along the southern shore. Not long before the French war ships arrived, bamboo cages filled with rocks were dumped at the mouth of the harbor to block their entry. The port was initially based on the southern shore (八里) later moved across the river to Danshui for the same sediment problem long before the blockade. By this time in 1896, there was only a narrow passage for the commercial ships to navigate and dock. One hundred and thirteen years later in 1997, with the Danshui line of the Taipei Metro open, the commerce of Danshui is finally revived. The town, however, is no longer the international trade center of the past.
中法之戰之時,故意沉在淡水河口的船隻及石頭,在戰後並沒有打撈清除.淤沙問題愈來愈嚴重(見上圖). 到1895年日人侵佔臺灣時,北部的海運重心己轉到了基隆港. 113年後 (1997年) 臺北捷運通車到淡水,才算又給淡水帶來了商机.但己不再是當年的國際貿易港了.