2009年8月11日 星期二

孫道仁 - the eldest son of 孫開華提督

(This is a photo of Gen Sun Daw-Ren [l] and Dr Sun Yat-Sen taken on Apr 22, 1912, in Foochow.)
(1912年, 孫中山先生與福建都督孫道仁合影 - 歷史背景是孫中山辭去臨時大總統之職,乘坐“聯鯨”號軍艦回廣東,應邀中途轉至福建,4月22日到達福州,與福建都督府、政務院、軍界人員合影。)

The eldest son of 孫開華提督Gen Sun Kai-Hua, 孫道仁Sun Daw-Ren (born 1865), also participated in the Sino-French war. Not only in the Battle of Fisherman's Wharf itself, during the French blockade, Sun Daw-Ren also operated from Fujian, secretly hired junks, hid weapons on board, and shipped them to Taiwan to re-supply the Qing army. Liu Ming Ch'uan later officially appointed him to be in charge of the military logistics.

After the war, the young Sun went to Beijing to take/pass the royal exams and entered the officialdom - until 1893 when his father died. He dutifully followed the Chinese custom and buried his father in their hometown in Hunan. After the mourning period ended (100 days), Sun Daw-Ren re-entered the military service and had risen eventually to 福建提督.

Sun was somewhat reluctant in getting involved in the founding of the new republic (Rep of China) (in the 1911 revolution) but later served under President Li Yuan-Hong in various capacities. After Li's second and final resignation in 1923, Sun retired to Gulangyu and became a high-ranking adviser to the Fujian Provincial Government. He later moved to Amoy to be with his daughter and son-in-law. He died a lieutenant general of the Army of the Republic in 1935, at age 70.

A selectively quoted bio of Sun Daw-Ren is shown below (the accomplishment of Sun Kai-Hua was also acknowledged in Sun Daw-Ren's autobiography 退庵紀事):

"孫道仁(1865-1935)字退庵,號靜珊。一作靜山。湖南省張家界市慈利縣人。蔭生出身。孫道仁幼年隨父親在福建讀書,喜習武藝。清光緒十年(1884 )他跟隨其父晚清福建陸路提督孫開華參加台灣中法戰爭,孫開華以署福建陸路提督職,負責台北海防。法軍封鎖台灣時,孫道仁密僱帆船,把彈藥藏在艙底,渡海秘密接濟台灣守軍,台灣巡撫劉銘傳因而委其在前敵營務處任職,後保加四品銜。被委為前敵營務處,中法戰爭結束後,孫道仁赴北京應試,任京府通判,分發順天補官。光緒十六年(1890年),安置在頤和園海軍水操內學堂任辦事官。光緒十七年(1891年),熱河發生金丹道農民起義,清政府調集軍隊鎮壓。孫道仁奉命擔任運餉事務,往返於朝陽、赤峰、熱河等處,後得賞三品銜以知府分發福建補用。不久升為道員,仍留福建補官。光緒十九年,其父去世,回籍守制。"

"[In 1911] 武昌起義各省革命迅速開展。當時,孫道仁尚持觀望態度。後迫於形勢,由彭壽松介紹,加入中國同盟會。"

"民國5年(1916年) 6月袁世凱死後,黎元洪繼任大總統。民國6年,孫道仁受命擔任北京政府總統高等顧問。不久,黎元洪下台,孫道仁去職。民國11年 6月,黎元洪復任總統,7月,委任孫道仁為永威將軍,前往甘肅、新疆查禁鴉片。次年回北京,適逢黎元洪再次退位,1923年孫道仁失去依靠,告老回籍。晚年的孫道仁,應聘為福建省政府高等顧問,寓居鼓浪嶼。應女兒、女婿邀請,居住廈門養老,不久在廈門病逝。"

Sun Daw-Ren's own mother passed away three months before his father. According to later reports, Gen Sun Kai-Hua's 8 other surviving wives and even more family members, rumored to be neglected by Daw-Ren, became destitute (or worse).

