This map was dated Feb 28, 1899 (明治Meiji year 32), almost 4 years after Japan took over Taiwan:
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It was based on a map originally from British Admiralty with updated surveys done by IJN Capt 小掠元吉 and engineer 大林正作, and finalized by Capt 小倉寬一[郎], all of whom were attached to HIMS Kaimon [His Imperial Majesty's Ship
海門], a sail-and-steam sloop-of-war:
HIMS Kaimon 海門 (1884-1905) |
A section of the map is shown below:
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In which, the British Consulate and Ft San Domingo are both clearly marked.
A map of 1925 (below) shows that 滬尾 was now designated 淡水街; on the other hand, 油車口 remained unchanged:
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Also marked are 砲臺埔, 烽火[街], 郡役所the Town Hall, and 郵便局Post Office; the Post Office, however, appears mislabeled (although it could have been the original location).
A 1908 photo of Tamsui:
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This photo shows the 媽祖宮 (or 福祐宮, MaZu Temple, center right). In front of the trees, the open area is later known as 三角窗 or 小公園. The Mackay Clinic with its distinct white walls also can be seen. Tamsui Presbyterian Church had not been built yet at that time (not until 1933), it can be seen in the photo below:
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To the right of the Presbyterian Church in the photo above is 郵便局the Post Office.
Photos of the riverside taken during the Japanese Era are shown below. This was at a time when junks from China were still allowed into Tamsui Port, after the once-largest seaport in Taiwan, that had seen the arrival and departure of giant ocean liners and cargo ships, became defunct:
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Hello EyeDoc,
回覆刪除This is Marc ~ I am back in Taipei and went to Tamsui a few days ago. I noticed the city gov finally finished rebuilding those old houses on ZhongZheng Rd near the police station. Interestingly there is now an exhibition of the Douglas Shipping company there and all the signage states the buildings (#316) were his former offices. I also noticed a sign that mentioned the Japanese had filled in the river bank in that area. I thought Lapriak's business was located on the current Starbucks site area, but I think this is new landfill. I took a few photos and can email them to you if you want to used them for a future post. P.S. A boat ticket to Hong Kong from Tamsui cost $45 and to Xiamen $7 on a Douglas Ship. He had the monopoly on these voyages according to the exhibition.
Hi Marc,
回覆刪除I actually already have a post about the renovation:
Douglas Shipping was regulated out of business by the Japanese Colonial Gov't and replaced by designated companies from Japan.
I am not sure the Starbuck's area was part of Douglas operation. It could very well be, though, because that was where the Seaplane passenger terminal in the early 1940s was located. With the new landfill, old sites are gone, unfortunately.
Please do send me the photos. Thanks in advance.
See you back in Taipei.
回覆刪除Regarding old map of Tansui written by Ogura,
This map was not written by Japanese. shortly 2 reasons;
1) Additional explanation in english on Japanese militaly map
2) Wrong name ,小倉寛一郎is correct
Ogura actually surveyed on 明治32年3月 by 砲艦操江(which was originally 清艦). This can be confirmed with evidence from 国立公文書館アジア歴史資料センター.
Please see my HP.
Hi Yosh 樣,
回覆刪除Thank you very much for your comments. I agree with you and as you have pointed out in your excellent post that the Japanese would not have made any mistake when recording their names on an official document. So the survey was actually done by Capt 小倉寛一郎, and the map dated 明治32年3月 was the true original, whereas the map dated 明治32年2月, made by "小倉寛一" et al may not be authentic at all. Interesting.