2012年11月17日 星期六

Tamsui - 1975

Contributor ChoSan took these in 1975 when he re-visited Tamsui:

Whatever works when it rains - taken near MaZu Temple

A free ride home after school

Some time on Nov 3, 2012, the now 淡水區 (District of Tamsui) quietly reached a milestone. That is, its population has finally grown to 150,000. In the old days, this would have elevated Tamsui from a 鎮 (township) to a 市 (city), a cause for celebration. Tamsui has indeed come a long way. A census report on June 1, 1939, showed that the grand total of the population of Tamsui was a mere 9,517, a time when everybody literally knew everybody. Sadly or happily, depending on your perspective, now as one of the 29 Districts of 新北市 (New Taipei City), Tamsui's small-town identity is forever gone.

2 則留言:

  1. I remember rainy days in Keelung back a long time ago. Watching raindrops bouncing up on the pavement while walking to school. This picture reminds me of that. Funny that life back then didn't seem like much joy. But I sure miss it now.

  2. Keelung has always been known as 雨港.

    I know what you mean, the most annoying part was the leaky rain gears, not only the rubber raincoats leaked but also the black rubber rain boots. It was a total mess by the time we reached school. In Tamsui, we went from 三角窗 on 中正路, uphill to ChoSan's neighborhood, 杉塊庭, then crossed the muddy 中山路 before entering school grounds.
