Grown up in the tumultuous Korean War years and blinded by retinal detachment from a soccer accident while in high school, he had overcome all odds and become the first ever blind Korean to have received a PhD degree in the US. This was at a time when the blind had little choice except to become a masseur or a fortunate teller. His lifetime work as the founder of the EREF International was to champion the cause of the visually disabled. Among other endeavors, he had organized low vision conferences in Seoul and founded a school for the blind, called Angels' Heaven, also in Seoul.
For his achievement, Dr Kang had received commendations from presidents of both Korea and the US. Among his friends were university presidents, professors, ambassadors, gov't ministers, and Korea's Chief Justice of the Supreme Court who was a polio victim himself. Korea does take very good care of her disabled citizens allowing them to advance as far as they could - this should be an example for other nations to emulate.
Dr Kang's ability to travel to different places/countries without any help was also legendary. He had always refused offers of rides to/from airports - even on a trip to Taiwan - seeking no special treatment. His cheerful nature was also infectious as if he had no worries in the world. Perhaps that was true for this deeply religious man.
He was only 68 when he passed leaving behind Mrs Kang who volunteered to read lessons to him when they were both still in high school, and two sons, both successful in their respective profession as eye surgeon and public-service lawyer.
Dr Kang's was a full life, much too short, however.
Rest in peace, Dr Kang.
I haven't heard of Dr. Kang before. But after reading this post, I pay deep respect to Dr. Kang. May he rest in peace.
回覆刪除Thank you very much, Herman. Dr Kang had touched the lives of many Koreans and was the reason why his countrymen no longer discriminated against the blind. He passed away in Washington DC after a brief illness. We'll miss him.