2014年7月2日 星期三

A deadly day

10/12/1944 "VT-18 squadron aircraft from USS Intrepid attacked the Rising Sun Petroleum Company facilities in Tamsui and the military seaplane base immediately next to Rising Sun facilities in northern Taiwan."

We only know 20 Tamsui-lang (with possibly one visitor from out-of-town) were senselessly killed in this raid.

Photos from http://ww2db.com/ referred by Marc of Taipics.com

2 則留言:

  1. You may find this short article interesting ~ A train at the Tamsui station was bombed 3 days before the end of the war.


    ~ marc

    1. Hi Marc, thanks for the link. The American fly boys were known to empty their ammo on the way out. Tamsui was one of their favorite targets. Luckily, by the end of the war, most people had already evacuated to the countryside.
