Tamsui District Office announces the publication of Tamsui Town History淡水鎮志 [quoted from Mayor Tsai Yeh-Wei's Facebook pages of Jul 7 and 9]:
有關「淡水鎮志」索取原則[The availability of Tamsui Town History]:
1. 紙本印刷數量有限,將依慣例,送全國319鄉鎮市公所、重要圖書館(如央圖、本區各學校圖書館...等)。[Limited hard copies will be distributed nationwide as usual to 319 units, including city/town offices, major libraries, and school libraries within Tamsui district.]
2.光碟版500套,供市民索取,送完為止。年底如還有預算再追加。[500 sets of DVDs are available upon request by citizens. Re-supplies will subject to funds available.]
3.已責成本所資訊室同仁,將數位檔案公開,未來市民可在本所網站下載區內自由下載,廣為流傳。[A downloadable digital version will soon be accessible through the District Office website.]
4.淡水鎮志版權歸淡水區公所所有,本著政府資訊公開原則,歡迎大家下載、分享、廣為流傳,但如引用,請註明出處。[This History has been copyrighted by the District Office. The public is welcome to download, share, and distribute. Please include the source in citation.]
感謝淡江大學歷史系、中文系,真理大學宗教系等各位篆稿委員及審稿委員的努力,終於出版。[Thanks are due to the writers and reviewers of Depts of History and Chinese Literature, Tamkang Univ, and Dept of Religion, Aletheia Universities, whose joint efforts have made the publication possible.]