Miss Christina Hong kindly sent these photos of the Tamsui Cooperative Trust:
The Tamsui Cooperative Trust 淡水信用組合 (now 淡水信用合作社 at 67 Chung Cheng Road, a post-war name change) was founded in 1917 with 103 members, including 吳輔卿 (who had also served one term as the mayor of Tamsui), 林金鐘, 許丙 (the chief of staff of the famed Banqiao Lin Family), and officially opened for business on Oct 5, 1918. The first chairman was Mr 洪以南 who was also the mayor of Tamsui. Mr 洪以南 was succeeded by 吳輔卿, 施坤山, 汪水汴, 郭水源, 盧阿山, 李元貴, 朱木火, 吳獻璜, 高欽三, and 呂子昌. This Trust, established and operated by the locals, has been instrumental in the economic development of Tamsui, in the beginning when the international shipping declined as well as during the more recent dark period when the Taipei Metro was being built (1988).
Interestingly, a bomb shelter in its basement from the 1944-45 era is still preserved.